星期六, 7月 01, 2006






星期四, 6月 29, 2006

David Jor's Testimony (左永強的見證)

David is my former colleague when I was still a civil servant. He is a devoted Christian and his testimony shows how God works miraculously on him.

左弟兄是小弟以前的公務員同事,他是一位十分虔誠的弟兄,他的見證亦顯明 神在他身上的神蹟。

Dr. Richard Eby's Visit to Heaven

伊比醫生Dr. Richard E. Eby在1972年7月16日,曾因搬物不慎而從二樓陽台跌下,並經歷了瀕死經驗,窺視天堂情景。他離開肉身後,被主接到樂園裏,又發現自己有個彷似半透明的身子。他喜歡那個身子,當時他穿著潔白的長袍,又看到背後燦爛的白花。

他環顧四週,看見自己身處極美麗的山谷。兩旁的樹木蒼翠繁茂,相映成趣,一看就知道不是人間美色。他能看見每一片葉子、每一條枝子,不見一片殘葉。這裡沒有死亡!那裡的光亮教人神往 ─ 卻無影子。不像地上有一個光源。他發覺每樣東西,都像能產生光輝。當他驚嘆之際,立時有答案臨到:「諸天述說上帝的榮耀;你不知尊貴、榮耀、權能都屬於祂嗎?祂是世界之光!」…


A Physician's Amazing Account of Being Caught Up Into Paradise

Dr. Richard E. Eby was well known in his profession as a certified obstetrician and gynecologist who came to California in 1933 to study and later to teach at the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Eby served as President of the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery and the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He was co-founder of the Park Avenue Hospital in Pomona and of the former California Osteopathic Hospital Association. He also served as Executive Assistant of the American Osteopathic Association in Chicago, and Professor of Obstetrics at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Eby was the charter President of the Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California in 1961.

Together with his wife, Maybelle, he had been active in Christian work for over 40 years. In 1972, a two-story fall on his head permitted God to show him a glimpse of Paradise. If you want to hear his own testimony, you may click onto the following link: Dr. Richard Eby's Near Death Experience.

May God bless you and enlighten you with Dr. Eby's testimony. Amen.