星期三, 7月 12, 2006

法利爾上尉 (Captain Ferrier) 的見證

最近收到由CBMC黃文謙弟兄的週一嗎哪,從中知道一個很感人的見證,就是關於法利爾上尉在一次航空展上演出極高難度的花式時,飛機的操作桿突然失靈,正要衝向一棟平房,他為了讓屋子裏的人倖免於難,把自己擺第三位,最終犧牲了自己的性命!實在是基督生命的一個極美好的見證。如欲知詳情,請瀏覽CMBC中英文週一嗎哪 (10-07-06)一看。

Captain Ferrier was flying with three other planes when they began a difficult maneuver at an air show. As he pointed his jet toward the ground, his control stick jammed and a house was directly in the path of the jet’s descent. However, he somehow succeeded in jerking the stick free and avoid crashing into the house. Unfortunately, the aircraft was already so low that it crashed on the other side of the house. Ferrier thus saved the lives of the residents inside the house by sacrificing his own. Please visit the CMBC website and look for Monday Manna of 10-07-06 for the full story.