星期六, 7月 21, 2007

David Berkowitz (大衛─巴高域治)

David Berkowitz was one of the most feared killers in New York City in the 1970's. His crimes caused the death of six people and injurys to seven others. He is currently serving a 365 year sentence at the Sullivan Correctional Facility in Fallsburg, New York. The following is an excerpt of his testimony from his official home page.

His criminal case is well known and was called the Son of Sam shootings. It was in 1988 when he was living in a cold and lonely prison cell, that God got hold of his life. David's story began with a TORMENTED CHILDHOOD. He became violent and disruptive. His parents were once ordered by his school to take him to a child psychologist. Unfortunately, the therapy sessions spreading over 2 years' time had no affect on his behavior. During this period of his life, David was also plagued with bouts of severe depression. When this feeling came over him, he would hide under his bed for hours or lock himself in a closet and sit in total darkness from morning until afternoon. Surprisingly, he had a craving for the darkness and he felt an urge to flee away from people.

Occasionally this same evil force would come upon David in the middle of the night. When this would happen he felt an urge to sneak out of the house and wander the dark streets. he roamed the neighborhood like an alley cat and would creep back into the house by climbing the fire escape. Indeed, thoughts of suicide often came into his mind. At times those urges were so strong that his body actually trembled.

In 1975, he met some guys at a party who were heavily involved in a satanic occult. David had always been fascinated with witchcraft, satanism, and occult things since he was a child. He then began to read the Satanic Bible by the late Anton LaVey who founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco in 1966. He also began to practice various occult rituals and incantations.

Eventually he crossed the invisible line of no return. After years of mental torment, behavioral problems, deep inner struggles and his own rebellious ways, he became the criminal. As a result, 6 people lost their lives. Many others suffered at his hands. In 1978, he was sentenced to about 365 consecutive years!

10 years into his prison sentence, feeling despondent and without hope, Rick (another inmate) came up to him one day as he was walking the prison yard on a cold winter’s night. Rick introduced himself to David and told him that Jesus Christ loved him and wanted to forgive him. Miraculously, they became friends. Rick later gave him a Gideon’s Pocket Testament and asked him to read the Psalms.

One night, David was reading Psalm 34. He came upon the 6th verse, which says, "this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles". It was at that moment in 1987 that he began to pour out his heart to God. Everything seemed to hit him at once. He got down on his knees and began to cry out to Jesus Christ. He told Him that he was sick and tired of doing evil. He asked Jesus to forgive him for all his sins. When he got up it felt as if a very heavy but invisible chain that had been around him for so many years was broken. A peace flooded over him.

He was changed ever since. He even worked as the prison Chaplain’s clerk and had a letter writing ministry subsequently. In addition, the Lord has opened ways for him to share with millions via TV programs such as Inside Edition in 1993 and A & E Investigative Reporter in 1997, what Jesus has done in his life as well as to warn others about the dangers of getting involved in the occult.

One of his favorite passages of Scripture is Romans 10:13. It says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Here it is clear that God has no favoritism. He rejects no one, but welcomes all who will call upon Him.

David Berkowitz

星期二, 7月 17, 2007






星期一, 6月 18, 2007

神沒有忘記:Aina to Aggie

1921當年,大衛和斯蔚夫婦(David and Svea Flood),帶著他們兩歲的兒子從瑞典來到非洲的心臟,當時還稱作比屬剛果(Belgian Congo)(今日的Zaire)的地方。他們遇見了同樣來自北歐地區(Scandinavian)的亞偉信夫婦(Ericksons)。他們四人一同尋求神的旨意。那是溫柔、奉獻和犧牲的年代,他們感到主要帶領他們從一個宣教中心出去,將福音傳至邊遠地區。這是在信心裡邁出的巨大一步。



大衛的信心起了驟變,他埋怨 神毀了他的生活!更把新生的嬰兒艾娜(Aina)交給亞偉信夫婦(Ericksons)照顧;他立即帶著兩歲半兒子回國而去,他從此亦拒絕了召他來非洲的 神!後來,亞偉信夫婦二人相繼離世(有說是被當地土人所毒害),那個女嬰則轉交到某個美國宣教士的家裡,他們把她的瑞典名字改成了「阿吉雅」(Aggie)。[Aggie的希臘字根意思是:Good好]當她三歲時,他們把她帶到了美國。這家美國人深深地喜愛這個小女孩,阿吉雅就是這樣在南達科塔(South Dakota)長大。她曾就讀於明尼阿波利斯的中北聖經學院(North Central Bible College in Minneapolis),並與杜威•赫斯特(Dewey Hurst)結婚。

直到一天,一份瑞典的宗教雜誌出現在 Aggie 的信箱裡,在她不經意翻閱的時候,突然裡面的一幅照片令她瞠目驚舌:原始的背景、一個十字架、十字架上刻著一個名字——斯蔚•弗拉德(SVEA FLOOD)[就是她過身母親的名字]。結果Aggie幾經努力,前往瑞典,並在那裡找到了已經風蠟殘年的親生父親大衛•弗拉德(David Flood)。阿吉雅和老父的對話是十分懇切和堅決,她撫摸著他的臉,說出當日父母的非洲宣教工作已結出意想不到豐盛的果子,並肯定耶穌愛她的父母,亦從來沒有忘記他們,就這樣,大衛終於重回他棄絕了好幾十年的神那裡;幾個星期之後,大衛便返回天家。

幾年後,赫斯特夫婦到倫敦出席一個大型的福音派聚會。會上一位來自扎伊爾Zaire(前Congo)教會的代表,代表全國11萬受洗的信徒講話,介紹福音是怎樣傳遍整個國家的。原來這人就是斯蔚(Svea Flood)當年帶領信主的小孩!

「我實實在在地告訴你們,一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒。若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。」(Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.) [約(Jn.)12:24]

流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割!(They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.) [詩 (Ps.) 126:5]

For English Testimony of Aggie and her parents, please see David and Svea Flood

星期五, 5月 25, 2007

Mohammed's Testimony (Nigeria)

Talking about miracles nowadays is very different from before. When education and technology "advances", human beings' self esteem and even arrogance pop up with an even greater pace than our accumulation of knowledge. However, one thing remains unchanged: our academic and technological advances cannot quench our desire to search for God and the ultimate purposes of our existence. The following is a touching and genuine story of Mohammed who grew up in a Fulani tribe in Nigeria. He started rearing cattle when he was six years old. He did this for almost 10 years until his father decided to send him to an Arabic school to study the Qur’an (Koran).

Then, he had a nightmare one night. He saw people suffering in his dream and he was beaten by a group of vicious men. He was locked inside a very hot room by them. It was so hot that his flesh began to peel off his body. He woke up as he began screaming and trying to kick the door open. The next night, he had another dream. He came to the same location as in the first and was beaten and taken to the same room again. Suddenly, a man dressed in white appeared and the room became cold and the people who were beating him disappeared! The man stretched his hand out and held Mohammed’s hand, saying, “My son, what are you doing here? Do you want me to take you home?” Within a second Mohammed was back home, and the man dressed in white said to him, "I love you, my son.”

Two weeks later, Mohammed had a third dream. He was in the bush and was in danger. Also, a man dressed in black was urging him to jump over a bottomless pit while a lion was roaring at him. The man in white from his previous dream appeared suddenly, and the threatening man and lion disappeared! Mohammed was brought safely back home another time. For the next six nights, Mohammed had similar dreams.

On the seventh night however, Mohammed had a different dream so that he was sitting under a tree reading books that he couldn’t understand. The man in white came to him and asked Mohammed if he wanted help. This man is Jesus who took a book and said, “This book comes from the Lord and it has the message of God inside of it. In this book, I will show you verses which will help you.” Jesus read scriptures to Mohammed, including John 14:6, which says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He explained this to Mohammed and told him that He was the way and the Savior of the world. Jesus also told him that he would face many trials after becoming a Christian. Jesus subsequently asked him if he wanted to accept His Salvation. Mohammed said yes and Jesus disappeared.

The story continued and Mohammed was led to Christ ultimately. He then told his parents that he had become a Christian. Nevertheless, Mohammed’s father forced him to drink poison after the hope to keep him as a Muslim vanished. Mohammed prayed to Jesus for help and swallowed the poison. The next morning, to his father’s dismay, Mohammed was still alive. Later, his family tried to kill him by shooting him with a poisoned arrow. He was saved again by a passing-by hunter who took him to a hospital for treatment.

After all these events, his family tried to persuade him to leave Christianity by offering him one hundred cows and told him he could have three wives if he were to abandon the Christian faith. Eventually, Mohammed made his choice – but it was to leave his family since he was determined to follow Christ with His promise of eternal life which his father could never offer.

Praise the Lord, his father a few years later while on his deathbed, asked Mohammed for forgiveness and said he was ready to receive Jesus as his Savior, too. Mohammed led his father in the sinner’s prayer and three hours later, his father passed away.

If you wish to look at the personal testimony of Mohammed through a video clip, please go to More Than Dreams.

星期四, 5月 24, 2007

從死裡復活的和尚 (Paulu of Myanmar- Back from the dead)


Truth or Fiction),在經過一番調查後,也在網頁上說到故事中的人物確實存在,只是不能證實他是否真曾從死裡復活過來﹝特別是當中的靈異經歷,本質上是無法用科學的方法驗證,只能憑個人的主觀,決定相信與否)。

故事主人翁名叫阿瑟.皮安.欣邵.保羅(Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu,下稱緬甸保羅)是個緬甸人。他1958年出生在緬甸南部的伊洛瓦底江(Irrawaddy)三角洲的伯格勒城(Bogale)。父母是虔誠的佛教徒,他們給他取名叫地平(Thitpin,樹也)。他十三歲時就離開了學校,成為漁夫,直到他十八歲時被送到一所佛教僧院出家當和尚。當他十九歲時(1977年)便成為一個正式的僧侶,法號名叫做烏.那塔.潘尼塔.阿欣特利亞(U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya)。他的僧院名叫曼德勒.凱卡山.凱欣(Mandalay Kyaikasan Kyaing),他的師傅名叫烏.撒帝拉.凱爾.尼.岡.沙亞道(U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw),烏.撒帝拉是他的頭銜,他在緬甸很受尊崇。





於是,緬甸保羅開始走向那條為基督徒預備的路,走了大約一個小時之後,竟然變成了純金的路面,它是那麼地純淨,以致當我往下看的時候,可以完全清楚看到自己的倒影。然後他看見一個人,他穿著白色的長袍。他同時也聽到非常美好的歌聲!穿白長袍的原來是彼得(Peter),彼得後來要他回到地球上為他所看見的事作見證,彼得還說:「你必須以新的名字去傳揚福音,從現在開始你的名字叫做阿瑟.皮安.欣邵.保羅(Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu,意思是從死裡復活的保羅)。結果緬甸保羅終於復活了,他也努力為主耶穌基督作見證和傳福音。

For English Testimony of Paulu, see BibleProbe.com

星期三, 5月 23, 2007


胡志士(Nick Vujicic)天生無手又無腳,但他卻不是一個廢人,相反地,他今天是沒有四肢的生命網站的負責人,他的熱誠、開朗和對生命的激情為主耶穌作了美好的見,也感動了許多傷健人士和信徒,以下是他的見證:Inspiring Quotes and Stories

Bible verses for meditation:
"Consider it pure joy, my Brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds."
(雅各書 1:2) 我的弟兄們,你們落在百般試煉中,都要以為大喜樂;
"And we know that in all things God works for the best for those who love Him."
(羅馬書 8:28)我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處,就是按他旨意被召的人。

他還打算寫一本名為 "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!" 的勵志書呢!(參Be Yourself and Spice up your life!!(中英對照)


鴨都拉曼 (Abdulrahman) 的見證

Khaled Abdulrahman(鴨都拉曼)生長於伊克,本是一個虔誠的信尼派﹝Sunnis﹞回教徒,他甚至是回教第四代領袖阿里﹝Ali Ibn Abi Talib﹞的後人,年紀輕的鴨都拉曼已經在他所屬的回教寺中承擔很多教職,他也立志日後要成為一位回教教長(Imam)。他後來因接觸到回教一個分離教派﹝馬達西拉:Mutazilah﹞而開始思想回教與異教之別,後來還努力向他朋友中的基督徒傳揚回教,亦因此而認識了一位牧師,透過牧師的指導,他對基督教的認識可說是開了竅。不過,他仍未能接受耶穌作為至高神的兒子和救主的事實。




星期三, 4月 18, 2007


《談天說道》2007年4月11日福音專輯記載了黃振華的見證,他是六十年代出生的港人,曾任職理髮師,因有很多「無聊」時間,便跟同事們飲咳水、食大麻去打發,後來因為空虛吸毒,弄至他第一任太太捨他而去。他因毒品及行劫等罪十多年來進出監獄20多次,後來在獄中悔改,於2000年受浸歸主,出獄後服務於一所戒毒者的教會宿舍,任同工至 2006 年,當中又認識了由英國來港去體驗服侍戒毒人士的現任太太,他們2007 年初結婚,黃弟兄亦因而進入他人生的一個新階段。


然而,教會外展同工卻不離不棄地去找他和給他衣服食物,並在一個球場裏找著他,這使他心裡開始軟化,但他還是再因毒品去搶劫,事敗入獄。因為教友的愛,他在獄中主動去讀聖經,而且還邊讀邊流淚。上帝讓他想起 祂藉教友給他的愛與關懷,他大受感動,便放聲痛哭,又跪地向上帝祈禱:「我很想改變」。就是這樣,他的新生命開啟了,正如聖經說:「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過去,都變成新的了!」〈林後5:17〉欲知黃弟兄的近況,請看:《談天說道》

星期二, 4月 10, 2007





星期日, 4月 08, 2007


Born in 1970, Joey was first told that he needed to be saved otherwise he would suffer the judgment of God for his sins in the lake of fire for all eternity when he was four. What had struck fear into his young heart most of all was the thought of being separated from his parents when Jesus would come again. He began to have nightmares that his parents were whisked away and he was left alone.

Failing to grasp the central theme of justification by faith in God’s salvation, Joey was living with fear and doubt throughout his teens. More unfortunately, he had come to the point where he tried to push thoughts of God out of his mind when he reached 18. He joined the Navy after his high school graduation. It seemed that all his cares and fears were left far behind as he traveled overseas thousands of miles away from home. He had new friends and plenty of adventure to keep him occupied. He would hung out with the guys, get drunk and do whatever it took to have fun.

After finishing four years of active service, he was far from the former soul-searching child he had once been. His attitude, language, and appetite for fun had all changed dramatically because of drug addiction. By turning 27, he could no longer imagine a future for himself. He even felt that he would die young. Gradually, those who knew him were afraid to be around him. He was controlled by his addiction. On 16th November 1997, he was lying on a dirty carpet because he had overdosed himself with drugs the night before. He started to contemplate his own life ending. Nevertheless, his thoughts were arrested by the question – “Am I saved?” He could not ignore the fear that was beginning to well up deep within his soul: “Where will I be one moment after death?” His heart began to pound as he realized for him it could only be hell.

Joel cried out to God, “God, please save me!” John 3:16 recaptured his heart: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” There it was – Forgiveness and total acceptance in Jesus! He made a decision right away to believe in the Son. He knew from that moment on that he was truly saved. He was a truly happy and changed man when he got up off the floor. From that day onward, he has not touched drugs again. God gave him a true delivery!

Sinner's Prayer Messed Me Up - Personal Testimony of Joel Hovey for the original testimony)

星期四, 4月 05, 2007


中信月刊2007年3月號記載了潘東(Don Piper)牧師的一個神奇和艱難的經歷,他是美國德州浸信會教會的牧師。1989年一月參加一個浸信會的會議,會後吃過「早午餐」,約早上11時離開,不料途中車子被一輛大卡車所撞,車毀人亡。救護人員宣佈潘牧師當場斃命!那年他39歲。


他被送進醫院時,傷得不成人形,骨頭破碎,眼、耳、鼻溢血。在他,奇蹟地甦醒後,渾身劇痛,需要不停打嗎啡止痛。頭一個手術,一動就動了十一小時。 車禍後十一個半月,他仍需要用大劑量嗎啡止痛,晚上無法入睡。之後一共做了卅四次手術,身心靈飽受折磨。


幸而他獲得好友、牧師鼓勵,漸漸重拾信心,深信萬事都有上帝美意。果然,他的經歷後來鼓勵了很多傷心失望的人,叫他們重新得力。他又把他的經歷寫成一書《天上探訪九十分鐘》(90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper with Cecil Murphy, REVELL Publishers),至今已發行逾百萬冊。