星期六, 9月 12, 2009


George Washington Carver (c.1864 -1943), a world-renowned scientist, once said, "When I was young, I asked God to tell me the mystery of the universe. But God told me that knowledge was reserved for Him alone. So I said, 'Then tell me the mystery of the peanut.' And he told me."

What do you think is the result of George's conversation with God? He ultimately created hundreds of products from plants . . . 325 from peanuts alone. His work improved rural economies—saving land, varying crops, and creating jobs.

Dear brothers and sisters, if you are still looking for your calling and destiny, please remember the old saying "we are called to flourish where we are . . . to bloom where we are planted! "


For more information on George W. Carver, you may go to:
(1) Black History Month
(2) George Washington Carver-A biography from the Stamp on Black History project
(3) Biography: George Washington Carver from vision.org

星期五, 3月 06, 2009

星架坡World Revival Prayer Fellowship 傳來令人振奮的見證

最近有肢體電郵通知我以下來自星架坡World Revival Prayer Fellowship 的一瀕死復生見證(A Near Death Experience),相關的見證人David是一位失聰弟兄;他在2008年6月15日感到不適而先後2次去到醫院救助,而樟宜總醫院(Changi General Hospital)決定讓他留院觀察,但在翌日﹝16日﹞,他就開始昏迷,並持續了一連3天,院方判斷他的肝已衰竭到無法救治的地步,並囑咐他的太太(Mabel)和家人為他準備身後事,終於,Mabel 和家人在萬不得已下同意院方於18日晚約11pm把David 的氧氣罩拔除,當時醫生說David 大概只能多活48小時!

奇蹟地,David 竟在19日回復神志,身體機能亦神奇地回復正常,連醫生們看了亦嘖嘖稱奇!原來David 在昏迷的3天裏是到了天堂一遊,他在那裏遇見了4批已離世的肢體,包括:
1) 他認識的失聰信心團契(Deaf Faith Fellowship)的Lai弟兄(以前是聾的),他約在20年前離世。
2) 他教會以前的主任尊尼牧師 (P. Johnny)
3) 他去世的爸爸和姊妹
4) 他的一些離世親友

在天堂裏,聾子不要再以手語交通,因為他們的交通與「一般人」無異,主耶穌真是光明之子── 祂的臉光茫無比,David甚至不能看清他的面目,但卻知道祂是主耶穌。David 的爸爸及在主裏離世的親友都鼓勵他要努力走屬主的正路,要忠於父神及不要退後。最後,主耶穌囑咐David要回到地上好好生活,不要亂發脾氣,並要勤讀聖經,又再次提醒他關於生命之書﹝Book of Life﹞的提示,David 之後便回到地上,為自己和別人而活著!讚美真神!

若希望了解更多,請瀏覽:Visit to Heaven, Miracle on Earth